

The VTS of Kitchen Bouy Foundation is a pragmatic and practical aspect of KBF in bringing a spirit of self-reliance among the vulnerable and other desperate cases and youths in general. As such while hoping to put in place vocational training centers we have been working with some vocational training centers to achieve this goal.

The KBF is into partnershp with many vocational training centers namely: BESPOKE HAUTE COUTURE in Yaounde, which offered two under priviledged persons two years free training in fashion and designing, HIGHUPWEB ACADAMY presently training two less priviledged persons in ICT (This partnershp intails that THE KBF will provide two under priviledged persons who are interested in picking up a career in the field of IT but lack the financial means to do so), ZION DECOR offring one year free traing to two under priviledged persons who are interested in morden Decor but lack the financial means to engage in it and ISIDORA DREAD who is offring to take in some IDPs, orphans and less priviledged youths/students who are just trying to start life in or strugling with school in Yaounde. While we keep partnering with other vocational training centers, we also keep striving towards our big dream of building a rehabilitation center where all these people can live, learn and grow to impact the world positvely.


Claudia Bih undergoing two years in fashion and designing in Best Haute Couture Biyem- Assi Yaounde


Claudia Bih and KBF team members


Signing a partnership (MoU) with Highupweb Acadamy


Coming together to help the underprivileged achieve their dreams in the field of ICT


First two beneficiaries studying ICT at Highupweb Academy.


Beneficiaries, CEO KBF and the administration of Highupweb Academy


Signing a partnership (MoU) with Zion Decor.


Coming together to help the underprivileged achieve their dreams in the field of Morden Decor


Signing a partnership with ISIDORA DREADS in order to teach the underprivileged the art of shaving and making of logs to earn a living.


In partnership with ISIDORA DREADS to help the underprivileged.