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Education & Scholarship
Talent Building
Humanitarian Programs
Economic Empowerment Programs
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Take a chance to view some of our loving memories & works.
Drawing Competition (Zion Bilingual Complex)
Handing of Didactic materials (Zion Bilingual Complex)
Singing Competition (Zion Bilingual Complex)
Having a good meal with kids (Zion Bilingual Complex)
Giving a word of advise to kids (Zion Bilingual Complex)
Zion Kids Rejoicing
Kitchen Bouy Foundation Team down beach, Limbe
Handing over of didactic material to a sickle cell kid for back to school (Buea)
Donation of didactic material for back to school, Bamenda Central Prison
Handing over of didactic materials, to Grace International Ministries Yaounde
Donation of didactic materials, Limbe
Donation of didactic materials, Limbe
Giving didactic materials, to God's First Orphange Limbe
Donation of didactic materials, Limbe
Donation of didactic school materials, Bamenda
Donation of didactic materials, Limbe
Handing over of didactic materials, Bamenda
Donation of didactic materials, to Grace International Ministries Yaounde
Donation of didactic materials, Bamenda
Donation of didactic materials, Yaounde
Having a good time with street children(Downtown Yaounde)
Benedict Nsong undergoing 6years schorlarship in Genuis Center Nkolbissong Yaounde.
Benedict and his MOM putting on joyful smiles.
Enrolling Benedict in to Genuis Center for the first year.
Ben, mom and Dad putting on smiles of relief as son is set to start his first year scholarship.
The CEO visits Benedict in school.
The KBF registers Mballa Eyanga Esther into FSLC Exams at Mukong Bilingual Nursery and Pririmary School at Leboudi, Lekie Division, Yaounde.
Mballa's Mother sheds tears of joy as her doughter gets registered into the FSLC Exams
With Mballa's Principals
Donating some books and a school bag to a kid at Ecole Bastos, Yaounde
Outreach to Luk Freedom with some books at Amazing Grace Primary school Nkomkana, Yaounde
Ecole Biyem-Assi Yaounde, Outreach to underpriledged kids who still strugles to come to school though with no didatic materials
Showing love to underpriledged kids at Ecole Biyem-Assi Yaounde.
Visit to Cantre Handicapees with George Bush and friends on his Birthday.
The Handicap Center, Younde
Abandoned handicapped orphan, Handicap Center Younde.
Abandoned handicapped orphan, Handicap Center Younde.
Showing love and giving hope to the disabled, Handicap Center Younde.
Showing love and giving hope to the disabled, Handicap Center Younde.
Putting a smile of the face of a paralyzed mother, Handicap Center Younde.
Having a good time with Mom, Handicap Center Younde.
Due to an accident, mom has been on thesame possition for 3years, Handicap Center Younde.
Showing love and giving hope to the disabled, Handicap Center Younde.
Paralyzed beautiful little kid, Handicap Center Younde.
Showing love to the disabled, Handicap Center Younde.
Showing love to the disabled, Handicap Center Younde.
Kids receiving gifts (Zion Bilingual Complex)
Wajo B Performing At Zion School
The CEO of MIFACEG giving a word at the back to school concert
Visit to street children
Visit to Pastor Valery, Buea
Street child in warmth clothing
Visit to street children
Back to school concert
Visit to the disabled persons
humanitarian Activities
Warmth clothing donated to street children
Gifts Donation
Visit to Bamenda Central Prison
Donation of didactic materials, God's First Orphange Limbe
Donating school bags to IDP students, GBHS Mbalngong Yaounde (Voice of the Voiceless)
Mr Simplice Performing, back to school concert
The Hitz Empire and D Brain Performing, back to school concert
Kitchen Bouy Performing, back to school concert
Sakwe Elvis Performing, back to school concert
Wajo B Performing, back to school concert
Mr. Calestus giving a word, back to school concert
Zion Rehabilitation Center Orphans Performing, back to school concert
Donating school bags to IDP students, GBHS Mbalngong Yaounde (Voice of the Voiceless)
Kitchen Bouy learning sound engineering
Nard Nchinda Performing, back to school concert
Artists Performing, back to school concert
Hon. Egoh Ringo giving a word, back to school concert
School Needs Donation
School Needs Donation
Donation of didactic materials, Yaounde
Donation of didactic materials, Yaounde
Supporting IDPs in their music projects (De Zions)
Back to school
Supporting IDPs in their music projects (De Zions)
Supporting IDPs in their music projects (Hitz Empire)
Studio session with Zion orphans
Studio session with Zion orphans
Donating Christmas gifts to orphans and IDPs
Orphans and IDPs showing off thier Christmas gifts
Claudia Bih undergoing two years in fashion and designing in Best Haute Couture Biyem- Assi Yaounde
Claudia Bih and KBF team members
visit to the Zion Rehabilitation Center in partnerahip with the Pepper G group
Reachout to the Etoug-ebe Baptist Hospital
In the nurses station with the CEO, Etoug-ebe Baptist Hospital
With patient, Etoug-ebe Baptist Hospital
Showing love to patients, Etoug-ebe Baptist Hospital
Showing love to patients, Etoug-ebe Baptist Hospital
Showing love to patients, Etoug-ebe Baptist Hospital
Showing love to patients, Etoug-ebe Baptist Hospital
Showing love to patients, Etoug-ebe Baptist Hospital
First Anniversary of the KBF
Arrival of Magasco, first Anniversary KBF
The CEO giving his speech, first Anniversary KBF
Nard Nchinda, performing artist, first Anniversary KBF
Orphan presenting a gratitude peom to the KBF, first Anniversary KBF
Audiance watching our documentry, first Anniversary KBF
Orphan presenting a peom tittled "ORPHAN", first Anniversary KBF
Orphan presenting a peom tittled "WAR", first Anniversary KBF
Orphan of the Zion rehabilitation Center performimg artists, first Anniversary KBF
Orphan of the Zion rehabilitation Center performimg artists, first Anniversary KBF
Magasco gives a speech, first Anniversary KBF
Benedict Song (beneficiary) and his Mother testifies, first Anniversary KBF
Claudia Bih (beneficiary) and her father testifies, first Anniversary KBF
Spervisor Zion rehabilitation center testifies, first Anniversary KBF
Dr. Jay performimg artist, first Anniversary KBF
First Anniversary KBF
First Anniversary KBF
The KBF team, well wishers and Magasco, first Anniversary KBF
Presenting the Anniversary cake
Cuting of the Anniversary cake
Out to dictect and support serious small business staters with very little capital (EEP)
Out to dictect and support serious small business staters with very little capital (EEP)
Out to dictect and support serious small business staters with very little capital (EEP)
Out to dictect and support serious small business staters with very little capital (EEP)
Out to dictect and support serious small business staters with very little capital (EEP)
Out to dictect and support serious small business staters with very little capital (EEP)
Out to dictect and support serious small business staters with very little capital (EEP)
Ramji Janvier, Beneficiary (Economic Empowerment program EEP)
Joy all over Mrs Banga's face, Beneficiary (Economic Empowerment program EEP)
Mrs Banga Eric, Beneficiary (Economic Empowerment program EEP)
The smile on Rifor's face will tell you the joy from within (Economic Empowerment program EEP)
Mme Berlinda Rifor, Beneficiary and KBF team (Economic Empowerment program EEP)
Honorine Shalanyuy, Beneficiary (Economic Empowerment program EEP)
Nkain Velma, Beneficiary (Economic Empowerment program EEP)
Showing love to abandoned elderly people (The sisters of mama Teresa Yaounde)
Showing love to abandoned elderly people (The sisters of mama Teresa Yaounde)
Showing love to abandoned elderly people (The sisters of mama Teresa Yaounde)
Showing love to abandoned elderly people (The sisters of mama Teresa Yaounde)
Showing love to abandoned elderly people (The sisters of mama Teresa Yaounde)
Donating to abandoned elderly people (The sisters of mama Teresa Yaounde)
Having a good time with abandoned elderly people
Showing love to abandoned elderly people (The sisters of mama Teresa Yaounde)
Capacity building class on liquid soap making with the Zion Orphans
Capacity building class on liquid soap making with the Zion Orphans
Capacity building class on liquid soap making with the Zion Orphans
Signing a partnership with Zion Decor
In partnership with Zion Decor
Nesline Mai, beneficiary at Zion Decor Vocational training program
Hope Ambasadors presenting thier awards (Second Anniversary)
Presenting the second Anniversary cake
Prof. Willibroad Dze-Ngwa (CEO of HERITAGE UNIVERSITY) cuts the Anniversary cake
Mr Kuh Emmanuel (CEO MIFACEG) honored as Hope Ambasador (Second Anniversary)
Mme Nchin Yolin (CEO ZION DECOR) honored as Hope Ambasador (Second Anniversary
Mr Jude Romeo (CEO HIGHUPWEB ACADEMY) honored as Hope Ambasador (Second Anniversary
Prof. Willibroad Dze-Ngwa and the talented orpharns of Zion Orphanage
Prof. Willibroad Dze-Ngwa honored as Hope Ambasador (Second Anniversary)
Mr Ngalim Eugene (CEO CAMYOSFOP) honored as Hope Ambasador (Second Anniversary)
Signing a partnership with HIGHUPWEB ACADEMY (ICT vocational training center)
In partnership with HIGHUPWEB ACADEMY (ICT vocational training center)
First beneficiaries of the partnership with HIGHUPWEB ACADEMY
Graduation cerimony of the first beneficiaries
Second beneficiaries of the partnership with HIGHUPWEB ACADEMY
Graduation cerimony of the second beneficiaries
Graduation cerimony of the second beneficiaries
Graduation cerimony HIGHUPWEB ACADEMY
Graduation cerimony HIGHUPWEB ACADEMY
Beneficiaries and HIGHUPWEB ACADEMY staff
Pastor Tim visits and donates to Zion Orphanage through the KBF
Pastor Tim visits and donates to Zion Orphanage through the KBF
Launching of music Album by the Zion orpharns produced and organised by KBF
Launching of music Album by the Zion orpharns produced and organised by KBF
Orpharns on full scholarship sponsored by KBF St, Ritas primary school Akeh
Orpharns on full scholarship sponsored by KBF, St Ritas primary school Akeh
Orpharns on full scholarship sponsored by KBF, CBC primary school Akeh
Orpharns on full scholarship sponsored by KBF, CBC primary school Akeh
Orpharns on full scholarship sponsored by KBF, ABCD primary school Akeh
Donating farm tools to farmers in Akeh village
Donating farm tools to farmers in Akeh village
Smiles on the farmers faces as they recieve their farm tools
Donating HIV/AIDS contraceptives to the Akeh intergrated Baptist Health Center
Donating HIV/AIDS contraceptives to the Akeh intergrated Baptist Health Center
Donating HIV/AIDS contraceptives to the Akeh intergrated Government Health Center
Donating HIV/AIDS contraceptives to the Akeh intergrated Government Health Center
The farmers in Akeh Village now in a group using their farm tools for sustainable farming
The farmers in Akeh Village now in a group using their farm tools for sustainable farming
Third beneficiaries of the partnership with HIGHUPWEB ACADEMY
Third group of beneficiaries graduating, HIGHUPWEB ACADEMY
Third group of beneficiaries graduating, HIGHUPWEB ACADEMY
Beneficiary of the Atumikui schorlaship ( 15 orphans and underprivileged on full scholarship 2024_2025 academic year)
Beneficiary of the Atumikui schorlaship ( 15 orphans and underprivileged on full scholarship 2024_2025 academic year)
Beneficiary of the Atumikui schorlaship ( 15 orphans and underprivileged on full scholarship 2024_2025 academic year)